Friday, 30 August 2013

Quantum Mechanics explained as the physics of time as a physical process

In this theory the physics of quantum mechanics represents the physics of time. The wave particle duality of light is acting like the bits or zeros and ones of a computer  forming a blank canvas that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual! Time is an emergent property with the future coming into existence photon by photon relative to the position and actions of the atoms!
In modern physics the Arrow of Time is linked to the disorganization known as statistical entropy explained in the Second Law of Thermodynamics. But one of the great mysteries of physics is where the organization comes from for the disorganization of statistical entropy that forms the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
In Quantum Atom Theory this organization is formed by a process of continuous spherical symmetry forming and breaking. When light waves come in contact with the electrons of an atom it forms a photon electron coupling.  This represent a new moment in time in this theory and the electron is the most spherical object in the Universe. This spherical symmetry forms the organization for the disorganization of entropy.
Photon energy levels will cascade down forming greater degrees of freedom for the statistical entropy and disorganization of everyday life!
Therefore Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is the same uncertainty we have with any future event with the future continuously coming into existence relative to the position and the energy and momentum of the atoms.
In this theory creation is truly in the hand and eye of the beholder!

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

The Theory of Everything explaining the mathematics of ‘time’ a process that forms the geometry of spacetime and the future uncertainty of life.

This video explains a new theory called Quantum Atom Theory an artist theory on the physics of ‘time’ as a physical process. Because this theory is based on a physical process it can be totally explained by physics and mathematics, unlike previous theories that have only been able to explain ‘time’ using philosophy and metaphysics. 

  The mathematics of this theory will be quite easy to follow because the mathematics of this theory is based on the geometry of a three dimensional physical process.

This is important a theory that only has a mathematical understanding like quantum mechanics can never be a complete theory.

Also a theory that was based solely on observation but had no mathematical base would be lacking in a very important way.  


I will start with this diagram representing the flow of time. In the top left hand corner we have the equation known as Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle with 4 pi π representing a sphere.

We have 4 pi π in this equation because the uncertainty principle is formed by the quantum wave particle function or probability function of Quantum Mechanics that expands out as an inverse sphere. This process is formed by a light wave radiating out from its radius at a constant speed forming a sphere of uncertainty of where and next light particle of photon oscillation will be formed.   

It would be logical if ‘time’ was formed by this process that represents the spontaneous absorption and emission of light. That ‘time’ would expand out in every direction in three dimensional space with the expansion of the Universe.

    But this is not what we observe ‘time’ is two dimensional with a past and future and a time line forming an ‘Arrow of Time’ that modern physics cannot explain!

Almost everywhere else in this diagram we see 2 pi π the reason for this is that equations with 2π have cylindrical symmetry a form of line symmetry.

This line symmetry is formed because when light comes in contact with matter it forms a photon electron coupling and we have matter anti-matter annihilation in just one direction forming the Arrow of Time in that reference frame.

In the lower right hand corner of the diagram we have the Planck Constant h/2π representing a constant of action in a dynamic process that forms the Arrow of Time.

Also we see Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle reformulated with energy and time with 2 pi π representing the time line instead of the 4 pi π representing three dimensional space.

Note also that the oscillating wave represents harmonic motion and that the equation representing the movement of the pendulum is typical of equation representing the movement of objects. With 2 pi π representing a universal process of spherical symmetry forming and breaking that we see and feel as the flow of time.


This diagram shows the complex plain with the positive and negative numbers and the imaginary number going off at right angles with zero in the centre.

This still represent the three dimensional geometry of a physical process. The zero represents zero time or t = 0 (t equals zero) the ‘moment of now’ formed by light interacting with matter. With the positive numbers marching off forming a potential future with a square of probability and the negative numbers receding towards a limitless past representing the positive and negative of electromagnetic waves.  

In the top left hand corner we have the equation of Maxwell’s second law with north and south magnetic poles cancel out equaling zero within a sphere 4 pi π of uncertainty

This forms the continuous flow of electric charge with the movement of electromagnetic fields. The electric fields will always be at right angles to the magnetic fields because the momentum of the light will always be at right-angles to the surface of the sphere. This is represented on the diagram by the imaginary numbers being at right angles to the real numbers. 

In Maxwell’s theory of ‘magnetic fields’ any moving charged particle creates a magnetic moment. Because positive and negative charge is an innate part of matter that keeps canceling out this process is universal and continuous forming the continuum of time moment by moment.

  On the lower left hand side of the diagram we have Dirac’s equation that also equals zero representing zero time or t =0 with matter antimatter annihilation forming the magnetic moment or dipole moment with the future coming into existence with each new light photon oscillation or vibration. 

This magnetic moment is formed when light waves interact with matter to form a photon electron couplings and the electron is the most spherical object in the Universe

This spherical symmetry or organization forms the low entropy that creates the possibility for the continuous increase in entropy or disorganization that we have in the Second Law of Thermodynamics as time unfolds.

As photon energy cascades down it forms greater degrees of freedom for the increase in entropy or disorganization forming the uncertainty of everyday life.

In the top right hand corner of the diagram we have Euler Identity the most beautiful equation ever to be discovered by man. But this beautiful equation has no meaning or purpose in modern physics.
But in this theory Euler Identity is interwoven into the dynamic fabric of our Universe. With the plus one representing one quanta or photon equals zero time t = 0 the moment of now.

To understand this further we have to use the next diagram that shows how this spherical symmetry breaks forming spiral symmetry that has line symmetry for the Arrow of Time.


 When the spherical symmetry is broken it forms spiral symmetry in the form of the Riemann Surface rises up out of the Complex plane forming a spiral pattern. Euler Identity is at the heart of this process. The easiest way of looking at this is that the only number you could add to the number one, to get zero in minus one and this forms the rotation that breaks the spherical symmetry. Also in mathematics the imaginary number i is the square root of -1 there is no objective understanding to this, you could say that this is just the way mathematics is.

 But in this theory the Imaginary number i is the square root of -1 because it is part of a physical process linked to the square of probability.

There will always be uncertainty at the quantum level and in our everyday life because the imaginary number i is the square root of -1 representing this rotational symmetry that maintains the probability function at t = 0 the ‘moment of now’ .

It may seem at times that the theory is explaining the paradoxes of mathematics rather than the mathematics explaining the theory.

This is because human mathematics is based on the dynamic geometry of the Universe that this theory is explaining this can be seen by the way Euler Identity and imaginary numbers are part of the theory.

This theory can also give an explanation of why pi π is an irrational number that never ends and continues for ever.

  If we take Einstein’s equation energy equals mass times the speed of light squared we can see that energy is linked to light. Light will continuously radiate out in every direction at a constant speed forming a sphere therefore we have pi π in human mathematics as an irrational number. Because this process is continuous we can only ever have an approximation of pi π.

‘This theory gives us a reason for Irrational numbers!’

Each rotation of the origin 2 pi π cylindrical symmetry has to be added and we find ourselves on another sheet of the complex plane. This spiral symmetry form line symmetry representing the time line or Arrow of Time for an individual reference frame.

 The entire spiral pattern is equivalent to a sphere 4 pi π with a single minimum dynamic origin formed by spherical symmetry.

When the spherical symmetry is broken it forms the imperfect spiral symmetry of life that is visible in nature. This is because if the quantum wave particle function Ψ or probability function is reformulated as a linear vector ǀΨ (t) > then all the information I have found says that each new vector is formed by adding the two previous vectors together this forms the Fibonacci sequence 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, ad infinity!


In this theory we have the Fibonacci numbers in nature not because of economy of growth or space but because time and space is being formed by the geometry and therefore the mathematics of this dynamic process.

  Because this is a process of spherical symmetry forming and breaking and the sphere is the most compact structure in three dimensional space.  The Fibonacci numbers will also be seen as the most compact economical growth pattern over a period of time.

As can be seen on the Diagrams we already have zero representing ‘the moment of now’ time equals zero with  +1 and -1 representing the positive and negative of electromagnetic waves. Therefore we even have the start of the Fibonacci sequence 0, 1, 1... in the diagram this is linked to ‘Euler Identity’ giving this beautiful equation a place in the structure of space and time!

To explain how the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics can represent the potential possibilities and opportunities of everyday life we have to use the mathematics of the Electromagnetic force that is based on the work of Michael Faraday.

Because the light photon of quantum mechanics is also the carrier of the electromagnetic force this can be seen as one universal physical process.


In this diagram instead of having zero in the centre of the diagram representing time equals zero.  We have Q representing charge.  Instead of having a number line representing the future we have a test charge represented by a little q. The future is represented by potential energy in the form of voltage acting on a charge to move the charge from one point to another point.

 The voltage is the work done to bring a test charge little q from infinity all the way in to a point that is a distance r away from the main charge Q.

This gives us a totally objective understanding to electromagnetism we have to do work by putting energy into something to create the potential of our own future!

Because this is a universal process it must be the same for all electrical activity therefore electrical activity in the brain can be seen as the most advanced part of this universal process!

Therefore conscious thought is always in the moment of now. With a continuous stream of thoughts and ideas that can comprehend this process as ‘time’ as an interactive process of continuous creation with a potential future infinity of possibilities. 

By dummying down consciousness to the level of electrical activity that is aware of its own electrical potential we can place the individual observer in the centre of his or her own ref-frame as an active participant in the dynamics of our Universe. Life will create its own ripples in the fabric of spacetime as part of one universal process. This is true for the smallest creature as it is for the largest planet.

 Therefore Newton’s universal law of gravity is part of this process!

In this theory Newton’s apple does not fall to the ground because of the downward force of gravity but because of the upward momentum of electromagnetic radiation or light. Gravity is not a real force at all; it is a secondary force to the electromagnetic force. Objects just free-fall towards the greatest energy because it has the slowest rate of time or greatest time dilation.

  This can be seen in the mathematics with both the gravitational force and the Electro Magnetic force having the Inverse Square Law!

We have the inverse square law because the surface area of the light sphere increases with the square of the radius. Thus the strength of the gravitational field is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source.

 There is no mysterious action at a distance in this theory and the gravitational field will work at the speed of light because it is an integral part of one universal process with the electromagnetic force!

We have one universal process that begins with the quantum wave particle function or probability function of Quantum Mechanics expanding out as an inverse sphere and ends with the inverse square of gravity and Newton’s third law of motion, “to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction” Gravity is the opposite reaction to the atoms radiating quantized spherical wave fronts of electromagnetic radiation.

So far in this video this theory has been explained using the mathematics that we already have. Now we are going to look at the one new equation that this theory is based upon. (E=ˠM˳C²)∞


In this equation the (Lorenz) Lorentz contraction of space and time is between the energy and mass. The greater the energy the greater the time dilation and the slower time will run. Mass will increase relative to this and each ref-frame can be seen as a vortex in space formed by the rate that time flows. The C² is light radiating out in all directions forming a sphere of probability.  It is a probability wave of a potential future event and during the act of measurement the magnitude squared or C2 gives a probability for different potential future outcomes. The brackets represent the dynamic boundary condition of the ref-frame this is formed by the surface area of the sphere 4 pi π that forms a two dimensional 2 pi π boundary condition. The infinity symbol represents the whole Universe as an infinite number of dynamic ref-frames that are continuously interacting forming the uncertainty of everyday life.  

In this theory ‘time’ is non-linear because we have an Arrow of Time for each ref-frame. We all have our own time line from birth to death but this is within a cosmological time line for the whole Universe that is linear. This process is universal for each individual part of the Universe as it is for the Universe as a whole.

The whole Universe is an expanding inverse sphere of probability forming an infinity of possibilities!


This infinity can be explained mathematically as the square root of the continuous irrational number π pi.  Because this is an irrational number we can only ever have a mathematical approximation of our infinite Universe

 The Universe is expanding in space and time forming what Einstein called spacetime. This expansion can be seen not just as galaxies expanding away from each other but also as future possibilities and opportunities relative to each individual! 
 Therefore each individual observer will always be in the centre of their own ref-frame within the centre of their own potential infinity. This is because we all create our own future relative to our position, and the energy and momentum of our own actions.


A mathematician will continuously form his own spacetime geometry just like any other object in our Universe. Therefore it is only natural that he will be able to divide that geometry into infinitely smaller parts.

We are all active participants in the dynamics of our Universe. Life will create its own ripples in the fabric of spacetime as part of an infinite process


An observer can never get to the edge of the Universe because he is creating his own spacetime relative to his energy. It makes no difference what galaxy you observe from because time and space are interlinked the greater the time dilation the greater the length contraction of space
In this way an infinite Universe fits within a finite sphere as long as the sphere is expanding continually in space and time as an infinity of possibilities.

Therefore within such a theory because the laws of physics are based on one universal process the Universe always seems to be fine-tuned or in perfect balance it can never expand into nothingness or undergo a big crunch collapsing in on its self because gravity is a secondary force to the electromagnetic force. 

 Thanks for watching please subscribe and rate it will help in the promotion of this theory!

Monday, 26 August 2013

Werner Heisenberg's Uncertainty and a future Quantum Theory explaining Quantum Mechanics as the physics of time as a physical process.

This is a video explaining an artist theory on the physics of ‘time’ as a physical process.

A future Quantum Theory will have to explain Werner Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle as part of an objective reality. In a new theory called Quantum Atom Theory this is possible based on just two simple postulates:

1. The first is that the quantum wave particle function Ψ explained by Schrödinger's wave equation represents the forward passage of time itself with the future coming into existence photon by photon

2. The second is that Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆p×≥h/4π that is formed by the wave function is the same uncertainty we have with any future event within our own reference frame.
We have time symmetry t = 0 with time being an emergent property coming into existence with each new photon electron coupling.
This process of continuous energy exchange formed by the spontaneous absorption and emission of light we see and feel as the flow of time itself.
This is an interactive process and we can form new light photon oscillation relative to our energy and momentum (actions) turning the possible into the actual!

Saturday, 24 August 2013

With the Japanese Fukushima Nuclear disaster still ongoing this post is going to highlight some facts that might affect you!

The video: Coming to you soon Japanese Nuclear Power stations for the USA and UK!
With the Japanese Fukushima nuclear disaster still ongoing with radioactive water leaking into the ocean this post is going to highlight some facts that might affect you!
President Barack Obama has set up Loan Guarantees so that Japanese Nuclear Power Plants can be built in the USA and a £700m pound deal has gone ahead so that Japanese Nuclear Power stations can also be built in the UK. The Cabinet minister dismissed any concerns over safety even though not once not twice but three time Japanese nuclear reactors have experienced a meltdown with a hydrogen exposition for each reactor.
Therefore there could be a Japanese Nuclear Power stations near you very soon!
The video above highlights this and also the fact that because we have no objective understanding of quantum mechanics we also have no objective understanding of what we are doing when we radiate our own environment.  
Could we be distorting the geometry of space and time destroying the symmetry that life is based upon?
The video above also explains an artist theory on the physics of ‘time’ as a physical process. In this theory the physics of quantum mechanics represents the physics of time. The wave particle duality of light is acting like the bits or zeros and ones of a computer  forming a blank canvas that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual!
Time is an emergent property with the future coming into existence photon by photon relative to the position and actions of the atoms!
This can be thought of as a process of symmetry forming and breaking and by splitting the atom we distort this process forming the problems of radiation and cancer.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

In this theory the Fibonacci Numbers are formed by a process of spherical symmetry forming and breaking that forms the Fibonacci Spiral in nature

This theory predicts that the Fibonacci spiral is not formed because of economy of growth or space but because space and time is being formed by a process of spherical symmetry forming and breaking.
Nothing has greater organization or lower entropy than a sphere and the electron is the most spherical object in the Universe. As the spherical symmetry is broken it creates greater degrees of freedom for the increase in statistic entropy that we have in the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

In this theory 'time' is a physical process of energy exchange formed by the spontaneous absorption and emission of light, explained mathematically by Schrödinger's wave equation the quantum wave-particle function Ψ of quantum mechanics, with the future continuously coming in to existence with each photon electron coupling. If the quantum wave particle function Ψ is reformulated as a linear vector then all the information I have found says that each new vector is formed by adding the two previous vectors together this forms the Fibonacci sequence.

 As can be seen on the diagrams in the videos we have a photon electron coupling representing (the moment of now) time or t = 0 with +1 and -1 representing the positive and negative of electromagnetic waves or light. Therefore we even have the start of the Fibonacci sequence 0, 1, 1... In the diagram this is linked to Euler Identity giving this beautiful equation a place in the structure of space and time!

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

The three great mysteries of reality! Conscious awareness of the physical world and Platonic Mathematics

This video highlights the three great mysteries of reality! Consciousness, the physical world and Platonic Mathematics.
  This simple diagram highlights the difficulty we have with understanding the nature of reality. We have three worlds each one a mystery and each one mysteriously connected to the other.
We have the world of Conscious awareness that can comprehend the fundamental truths of mathematics. And then we have the physical world that is based on those mathematical laws.
Then out of this physical structure comes conscious awareness, each of the three parts seems to be dependent on the other.
The video above is putting forward the idea that they are dependent on each other because they are connected by one universal process.
As an artist I am outside the scientific community so please subscribe it will help in the promotion of this theory! ~

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Nikola Tesla Mad Genius or Great Visionary. Tesla’s ideas within an artist theory on the physics of time as a physical process.

The video 'Nikola Tesla Mad Genius or Great Visionary'
Nikola Tesla quote: "There is nothing endowed with life—from man, who is enslaving the elements, to the nimblest creature—in all this world that does not sway in its turn. Whenever action is born from force, no matter how small it is the cosmic balance is upset and the universal motion results".
In this theory 'Quantum Atom Theory' we have one universal process therefore everything is in balance or fine tuned. This process starts with the quantum wave particle function Ψ expanding out as an inverse sphere of probability and ends with the inverse square law of Newton’s universal law of gravity.

Gravitational potential and electrical potential are linked together This can be seen mathematically in how they both use the inverse square law! In this theory gravity is a secondary force to the EM force. Objects just free-fall towards the greatest energy because it has the greatest time dilation! In this theory ‘time’ is an emergent property formed with each new photon oscillation of vibration.
 The wave-particle duality of light is acting like the zeros and ones of a computer forming a blank canvas that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual! Quantum physics represents the physics of ‘time’ as a physical process with the future coming into existence photon by photon! Quantum uncertainty ∆×∆p×≥h/4π is the same uncertainty we have with any future event within our own ref-frame.

In this theory Euler Identity is interwoven into the dynamic fabric of space and time of our Universe with time being formed by the spontaneous absorption and emission of light. Time is an emergent property coming into existence photon by photon. The 1 in Euler Identity represents 1 photon oscillation and the zero represents zero time the moment of now t = 0 within an individual ref-frame.

 The whole Universe is an expanding inverse sphere of probability forming an infinity of possibilities! This infinity can be represented mathematically (the Gaussian Integral) as the square root of the continuous irrational number π. The Universe is expanding in space and time forming what Einstein called spacetime. This expansion can be seen not just as galaxies expanding away from each other but also as future possibilities and opportunities relative to each individual! 

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Time machines to travel into the future! A real possibility?

Could UFOs be from our own past? In the theory explained in this video time travel into the future is possible. This is based on Einstein's theories of relativity. In special relativity moving clocks run slower and in general relativity clocks run faster higher in a gravitational field. Therefore we can see the greater the energy of an individual ref-frame the slower time runs within that ref-frame. This is called Time dilation and is a totally natural process within the dynamics of our Universe. A good example of this is the Twin Paradox a thought experiment of identical twins, one of whom is an astronaut and the other stays at home. The astronaut brother undertakes a long space journey moving at almost the speed of light, while the other remains on Earth. When the travelling brother finally returns to Earth, it is discovered that he is younger than his sibling. This experiment could be turned around and instead of using the energy for travelling in space it could be used for the effect of time dilation itself. In this way we could use time dilation to travel into the future!

This theory is based on just two postulates:

2. Is that Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆p×≥h/4π that is formed by the w-function is the same uncertainty we have with any future event within our own ref-frame that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual! 
This is all based on just one equation (E= ˠ M˳C² )∞  the Lorentz contraction of space and time is between the energy and mass. The greater the energy the greater the contraction of space and the slower time will run. Mass will increase relative to this and each ref-frame can be seen as a vortex in space and time. The brackets represent the boundary condition of the ref-frame formed by the energy and the infinity symbol represents an infinite number of ref-frames that make up our Universe.

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Fractal Universe, the Mandelbrot set Paradox a Potential infinity within an artist theory on the physics of time as a physical process.

 The Mandelbrot set Paradox a Potential Infinity
We have this paradox because the Mandelbrot Set is covered by a finite area, but has an infinite outer boundary. In fact, there are no two distinct points on the boundary of the Mandelbrot Set that can be reached from one another by moving a finite distance along that boundary.
This paradox can be explained by explaining a potential infinity of possibilities formed from a dynamic universal geometry that human mathematics itself is based upon. In this theory fractals are formed by the repetition of the quantum wave particle function or probability function of quantum mechanics continuously collapsing and reforming. A kind of geometrical and therefore mathematical repetition!


We have infinite complexity upon the boundary of a fractal like the Julia Sets. No matter how much we magnify a fractal we will still see new patterns new images emerging. In this theory this is because we have an interactive process the fractals are only relative to actions of the mathematician. We have a process of continuous creation or change creating an infinity of possibilities at every degree and angle of creation that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual!


Monday, 5 August 2013

This is an invitation to see an artist theory of the physics of ‘time’ as a physical process.

We live and die over a period of time but we have no physical concept of time or why we have a past that can never be changed and a future that is always uncertain.
This video explains a physical process of universal symmetry forming and breaking that forms the continuous change that we see and feel as time. This theory offers an alternative to String Theory and the Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics. With the extra dimensions or parallel universes just representing future possibilities and opportunities in our one three dimensional Universe of continuous creation, continuous energy exchange.
This continuous energy exchange is formed by the spontaneous absorption and emission of light wave of EMR. The forward momentum of light forms an Arrow of Time for each object or individual with the wave particle duality of light acting like the bits or zeros and ones of a computer continuously forming a blank canvas that we can interact with giving us the opportunities and possibilities to turn the possible into the actual within our own ref-frame!
Time is an emergent property with the future continuously coming into existence with each new light photon oscillation or vibration within an infinite number of dynamic interactive reference frames that are continuously coming in and out of existence. Because the process is universal each individual will be in the centre of their own created reference frame creating their own future by forming new light photon oscillation or vibration relative to their position and the energy and momentum of their own actions! In this theory creation is truly in the hand and eye of the beholder!

There is no sound to this video it's a silent movie! It is Harold Lloyd's 1923  silent film "Safety Last" I was thinking that everyone can watch it in their own time stopping it whenever they like and reading the info on the diagrams!