Saturday, 22 February 2025

Theory of Everything by a Portrait Artist using the geometry of Ψ², e², c², v² and t²

Chapter One The Mathematics of the geometry of temporality Chapter Two An objective understanding of the collapse of the Quantum Wave-Particle Function Ψ² Chapter Three Reason for the Strong Nuclear Force The atoms explained as standing waves in time with the absorption and emission of light forming the passage of time. Chapter Four Reason for half-life and Weak Nuclear Force violation of CP symmetry Chapter Five The concept of ‘the moment of now’ and consciousness within a universal process Chapter Six Quantum Gravity based on the geometry of the Inverse Square Law and Photon energy exchange. Chapter Seven The Geometrical process that forms the ratio 1/137 the Fine Structure Constant or Coupling Constant Chapter Eight Simplicity to Complexity, Snowflake diversity Chapter Nine BZ chemical reaction Chapter Ten The geometry of Quantum Mechanics explained Chapter 11 Antimatter annihilation is part of a process that forms the forward passage of time explained using Feynman Diagrams. Chapter 12 Darwin’s theory of evolution based on a process of spherical symmetry forming and breaking Chapter 13 Bio-photons the driving force of Evolution Chapter 14 Plasma and the cellular structure of space Chapter 15 How the Golden Ratio is formed by the absorption and emission of light Chapter 16 How an imperfect Fibonacci Spiral is formed out of spherical symmetry forming and breaking. Chapter 17 Euler Number e within this process Chapter 18 Conformal Cosmology of spherical geometry

This theory gives us a reason why so much is squared in the physics, like the charge of the electron is squared e². The speed of the process is squared, c² the speed of light. Velocity is squared v² as in the equation for kinetic Eₖ=½mv² energy. The wave particle function or probability function of quantum mechanics is squared ψ². Also natural time is squared t² in the work of Galileo with acceleration due to gravity. Distanced travelled is proportional to the square of elapsed time t². d=1/2 a t² This geometry forms the potential for the Inverse Square Law of electromagnetic and gravitational fields. As a process of spherical symmetry forming and breaking, this dynamic geometry forms entropy or disorganization with the potential for greater symmetry formation. The greater symmetry formation is in the form of the complex structures of the Universe and in the diversity of cell life. This process also forms the potential for ever-more abstract mathematics. I believe this is why it has been so difficult to formulate a Theory of Everything or Grand Unified Theory. Link to Art Site: Dyslexic artist theory on the nature of Time   / 692670924144798   ~

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