Tuesday, 24 December 2024

How the Universe forms the Golden Ratio in organic and inorganic matter

How the Universe forms the Golden Ratio in organic and inorganic matter
Dyslexic Artist Theory on the Physics of Time 39.1K subscribers
The Universe forms the Golden Ratio out of simple spherical geometry. We have an electron sphere around the nucleus of each atom. When there is the absorption and emission of light, the radius is squared because the process is unfolding relative to the spherical surface. When this happens the energy levels drop, but they can’t drop below the centre of the sphere, because the process is based on the radius.
This forms a constant of action, known as the Planck constant linked to 2π representing the geometry. We then have a golden rectangle on each side of the square relative to the spherical surface. In this way the absorption and emission of light photon energy forms the A and B of the Golden Ratio. Mathematically we have to square section A to form the golden rectangle out of section B. Energy levels continuously cascading down will repeat this process with smaller and smaller rectangles forming the Fibonacci spiral.
This geometrical process also forms the golden angle 137.5 that in the physics of quantum mechanics is seen as the fine structure constant or coupling constant. The coupling constant is linked to the speed of light c, the charge of the electron e² squared and the Planck constant h/2π. Within this theory all three constants have a geometrical aspect with the photon and electron as two aspects of the same geometrical process.
The geometrical aspect of this process is based on Huygens’ Principle that says, “Every point on a light wave front has the potential for a new spherical 4πr² light wave". We can think of 'every point' as a potential photon ∆E=hf electron interaction or coupling. The spherical surface forms a boundary condition or manifold for positive and negative charge as the future unfolds with the exchange of quantized energy.
The interior of the sphere naturally forms three-dimensions. We have the absorption and emission of light with a photon ∆E=hf electron interaction, a spherical oscillation, between every cause and effect forming a probabilistic uncertain ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π future.
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle between energy and time ∆E ∆t ≥ h/2π ~ 2πr circler geometry or ∆E ∆t ≥ h²/4π spherical 4πr² geometry. Planck constant h/2π linked with 2π ~ minimum 2πr circumference, with the centre of the sphere, atomic nucleus, forming a constant of action relative to radius square r², the electron sphere of probability that surrounds the nucleus and the minimum 2πr circumference. This forms the Planck constant h/2π. In mainstream theoretical physics, they came up with the idea of the reduced Planck constant ħ or h-bar just to get rid of the 2pi so the equations would be more compact.
In this theory we have a Planck constant h/2π linked with 2π because a one-dimensional photon ∆E=hf electron spherical oscillation is formed by the one-dimensional spherical 4πr² surface. This is a very simple process we have to square the radius r² because the process is relative to the spherical 4π surface.
Therefore we have the charge of the electron e² squared with energy levels from the Sun cascading down relative to the Golden Ratio ϕ forming the golden angle 137.5 and Fibonacci Spiral.

Sunday, 22 December 2024

Quantum Mechanical Mass mechanism ~ Why Mass increases

It is important to have a mechanism that forms Mass, because if we had a concept of how Mass is formed it would give us a deeper understanding of gravity and help us unity Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. In this theory Mass increases with speed, because Photon ∆E=hf energy is continuously transforming potential energy into the kinetic energy of matter in the form of electrons. At low speed kinetic energy is one-half the mass times the velocity squared Eₖ=½mv², but at higher speed the curve for increasing energy starts to look just like the curve for increasing Mass. This is why energy is equal to mass times the speed of light squared E=MC². Kinetic energy is the energy of motion, of what is actually happening. Energy and momentum are conserved as the future unfolds with each photon-electron oscillation or vibration. In this theory there is a photon ∆E=hf electron interaction between each cause and effect, between each action and reaction. Light and matter in the form of electrons are waves over a ‘period of time’ with particle characteristics as a probabilistic uncertain ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π future unfolds. Wave particle duality is forming a blank canvas that we, as atoms, can interact with forming a future relative to the energy and momentum of our actions. This is a process of spherical symmetry forming and breaking the geometrical aspect of this process can be based on Huygens’ Principle of 1670, that says: “Every point on a wave front has the potential for a new spherical 4πr² wave” Each point on the curvature of the wave front forms the potential for a new photon ∆E=hf of energy, a new oscillation or vibration as the future comes into existence. We have to square the radius r² of the sphere 4πr² because the process in unfolding on the spherical surface. Therefore we have the speed of light squared c² we have the charge of the electron squared e² and the probability wave function is squared Ψ². The interior of the sphere 4πr² is naturally three-dimensional with centre of the sphere forming a constant of minimum quantity within the geometrical process. We see this mathematically h/2π as the Planck Constant h divided by 2π representing the geometry. The centre of the sphere represents the nucleus of the atom that is surround by the electron probability sphere. In this theory the atoms are standing waves in time. With our everyday world continuously changing with the absorption and emission of light wave. We measure this process as the passage of time ∆E ∆t ≥ h/2π. The Universe is based on simple geometry that forms the potential for evermore complexity. Forming not just physical complexity, but also the potential for evermore-abstract mathematics. Time t², ψ², c², e² and velocity as in kinetic energy Eₖ=½mv² all squared, geometrical similarity formed out of spherical 4πr² symmetry.

Friday, 13 December 2024

Origin of the Fine Structure Constant 137 revelled for the first time

Video on the Fine Structure Constant or Coupling Constant.

An amateur in a theory called ‘Dyslexic Artist Theory on the Physics of Time’ explains one of the greatest mysteries of physics the Fine Structure Constant 137 or Coupling Constant.


This Theory explains a process of energy exchange that is formed by the spontaneous absorption and emission of light photon ∆E=hf energy, therefore the Fine Structure Constant 137 is linked to the speed of light or what is called the light constant c. Within the electron sphere 4πr² that surrounds the atomic nucleus. 

The Fine Structure Constant is also linked to the charge of the electron e² squared and the Planck constant h/2π. These three constants form the Fine Structure Constant within a dynamic geometrical process. 

Diagram of a Photon electron coupling or Dipole Moment. This spontaneous process forms the characteristics of three-dimensional space and continuum of time ∆E ∆t ≥ h/2π.

Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Why Infinite Number of Calculation Explained Geometrically, no Renormalization in Feynman's QED

The Mystery of Feynman’s infinite number of calculation revelled by New Physics

Infinity can be explained geometrically, an infinity of possibilities. 

We have a photon ∆E=hf electron interaction between each action and reaction, between each cause and effect. 

Anti matter annihilation represents the past and the future unfolds.

The future is not totally uncertain, because it is formed by a process of spherical symmetry forming and breaking. This forms the potential the Fibonacci Spiral.

In this theory, the mathematics of Quantum Mechanics represents the physics of time with Classical physics representing processes over a ‘period of time’ as in Newton’s differential equations.

This idea is supported by the fact that photon ∆E=hf energy is continuously transforming potential energy into the kinetic E=½mv² energy of matter in the form of electrons.