Wednesday 3 November 2010

Is the observer effect true or false?

Some people say that the paradoxes of quantum mechanics can only be explained if it is linked to the consciousness of the observer in the so called “observer effect”. But this theory will put forward the opposite idea that a deeper understanding of the physics of quantum mechanics will give us a greater understanding of how consciousness works.

We can see in the Two Slit Experiment that it is only when a detector is turned on that the interference pattern collapses. In other words only when light comes into physical contact with something does it collapse into photons or particles. When the detector is turned off the interference pattern will reform.

It is the conscious idea that leads to the physical action but it is the action itself that collapses the wave function of quantum physics.
Only an understanding of the process that forms the passage of time and geometry of spacetime will explain quantum mechanics.

In this theory each new moment in time is formed by a single photon electron coupling creating a wave-function of future possibilities.
The inward absorption and outward emission of light or EMR forms the arrow of time and geometry of spacetime. We live in a Universe of infinite possibilities (Aristotle’s potential infinity) because of the Probabilistic nature of light.
On the level of everyday objects the observer will see an infinite number of photon electron couplings, forming a temporary image of the Universe, photon by photon or moment by moment.
Each new photon electron coupling will have its own position in three dimensional space and a position in time as part of the passage of time this is why everything is relative too everything else and we have Einstein’s general theory of relativity.
In this theory we form are own quantum particles, virtual particles only manifest themselves when something comes in contact with the quantum vacuum.


The atoms bond together and react with the wave particle duality of the light in unison forming their own future spacetime geometry we see and feel this as the free-will of everyday life.

This speculative diagram highlights the profound symmetry between matter and antimatter, positive and negative charge.

It is the inward absorption and outward emission of light or EMR that forms matter antimatter annihilation forming positive and negative charge that in turn forms electromagnetic fields.

Because of this process we have a potential infinity of future possibilities at every point in space and at every moment in time that can spiral out forming its own spacetime geometry. We have a continuous process of symmetry forming and breaking that formed a geometrical therefore mathematical base for the evolution of life.

This geometry that predated the evolution and gave life a mathematical base can still be seen today in the curvature and line symmetry of the individual life form.

Therefore we never have total chaos and everything is based on the same universal geometry and symmetry.


The continuous random breaking of this symmetry can be seen as Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle that is the same uncertainty that we have with any future event.

This is because the quantum wave-particle function that is explained mathematically by Schrödinger’s wave equation represents the forward passage of time itself photon by photon or moment by moment.


The laws of physics are universal therefore this process formed by the wave-particle duality of light must be happening everywhere and must effect everything even consciousness itself.

Despite rapid scientific progress, much about how our brains work remains a mystery. What we do know is that our brains’ work by electrical impulses forming chemical changes, this electrical activity forms electromagnetic fields.
If these electrical impulse that cause chemical changes are formed by photons than consciousness is formed by the physics of quantum mechanics.

Therefore our thought processes could be seen as the most advanced part of a universal process and our hopes and dreams could be forming their own potential future spacetime geometry.

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