Sunday 19 December 2010

Could we be the dice players of quantum physics?

Albert Einstein ‘I, at any rate, am convinced that He [God] does not throw dice’. 1926

This theory is based on two simple postulates,

1) The first is that the quantum wave particle function explained by Schrödinger’s wave equation represents the forward passage of time itself photon by photon or quanta by quanta.

2) Therefore Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle that is formed by the wave function is the same uncertainty that we have with any future event.

This can sound odd because we think of “time” in different ways; we have time as a measurement to get from A to B. We also have cosmological time looking back at the history of our Universe as a whole.

Modern physics has no understanding of why we have an arrow of time or a future and a past. But time in this theory is a continuous process forming the future geometry of spacetime photon by photon or moment by moment.

In Quantum Atom Theory the atoms interact with light wave of EMR continuously collapsing the quantum wave particle function forming photons that form electrical charge that in turn form electromagnetic fields in three dimensions.

This forms the local spacetime geometry a time-varying electric field act as a source of a magnetic field, and a time-varying magnetic field was the source of an electric field. When either field is changing in time, then a field of the other is induced.

This will be relative to the position and momentum of the objects creating the time variations, the atoms themselves.

There is a complete and perfect symmetry between positive and negative electric charge. Every particle variety there exist an antiparticle counterpart that forms a profound symmetry within the spacetime geometry of our Universe.

In this theory the continuous formation and breaking of these symmetries relate not just to space but represent the forward flow or passage of time itself.

In modern physics everything has its own reference frames that will have its own proper time relative to its energy of mass. The greater the mass the slower time runs in that reference frame forming Einstein curvature of spacetime.

We are all at the centre of our own reference frame and have our own proper time. I could set up a wave function of where I might be tomorrow and it would have the same uncertainty and probability as the wave function of quantum physics.

Because of quantum probability we cannot predict when an individual nucleus will decay in a radioactive sample. Therefore we have the half-life, the time it takes half the nuclei in a sample to decay over a period of time.

This is the same probability we have in classical physics if we take a group of people we cannot predict the life of an individual person of the group, but we can calculate a half-life for the whole group statistically over a period of time.

This theory might sound child-like but it is based on the Correspondence Principle and has a one-to-one correspondence between an element of the theory and an element of reality.

We have probability propagating according to the laws of causality. This gives us a coherent physical interpretation of quantum physics. Objects will form their own spacetime geometry relative to their energy or mass. They will also form the uncertainty of their own future potential as time unfolds ∆E ∆t ≥ h/2π.

The Planck constant h is a constant of action within the geometry of spacetime forming part of a physical process that forms an independent objective reality that we can interact with forming the possible into the actual.

We see and feel this as the forward passage of time and as the uncertainty and probability of everyday life. We see a temporary image of our Universe moment by moment continuously changing made up of an infinite number of photons.

Each electron has its own three-dimensional spacetime two electrons requires six-dimensions three electrons require nine dimensions and so on.

But no two electrons can share the same quantum state at the same time. This is just the same as an object in our everyday life cannot be in two places at the same time.

Because classical mechanics is an approximation of quantum mechanics we only ever have three-dimensions and the other dimensions represent a potential sequence forming the time continuum.

The deep fundamental difference between quantum and classical mechanics is that quantum mechanics represents the forward passage of time itself.

I hope to base this theory on pure mathematics and therefore pure physics. I believe this can be done in just three dimensions and one variable time.
Each photon electron coupling represents zero representing a new moment it time (the moment of now) with the positive numbers marching off towards an infinite future, their negative sibling recede towards a limitless past (the positive and negative of EMW).

In this theory it is because time only moves forward that matrix mathematics of Quantum Mechanics does not obey the commutative law of multiplication in which x times y is always equal to y times x nothing can go backwards in time!

Add to this that the probability of the wave function only works one way in time. It is within the rules of quantum physics to calculate backwards and work out what the position and momentum was at some time in the past exactly as we can in our everyday life.

It makes no difference if you use Schrödinger’s wave equation or the matrix algebra of Heisenberg’s quantum particles. This theory gives us an intuitive picture capturing the existence of an underlying layer of reality. This gives us an objective reality to quantum mechanics as a process of continuous symmetry forming and breaking a process of continuous creation.

Einstein forming his own position and momentum, therefore is own probability.


I am an artist and therefore outside of the scientific community because of this there is no peer review and any help promoting this theory in the scientific community will be gratefully welcomed.

A link to
Quantum Atom Theory on YouTube.

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