Monday 22 April 2013

Questions answered on the uncertainty of life and Quantum Uncertainty by an artist theory on the physics of ‘time’ as a physical process.

Video explaining Quantum Atom Theory an artist theory on ‘time’ as a physical process.
I am on the World Wide Web promoting my theory on the physics of ‘time’ as a physical process! In this theory ‘time’ is an emergent property with the future continuously coming into existence light photon by light photon. 
These are some questions that someone has put forward on YouTube. I have tried to answer these questions as straight forwardly as possible.
(Dice does not obey "quantum uncertainty".)

Interesting in what way does a dice not obey quantum uncertainty? Classical physics is an approximation of quantum physics. It is not the other way around everything is based on quantum mechanics!
Einstein’s, said that God does not play dice, but in this theory we are the dice placers in an interactive process of continuous energy exchange.  

When I said a dice, I meant a dice-roll actually. The probability (P(#)) of a certain number (#) to be rolled is independent of any "future" probability or uncertainty of the behavior quanta which makes up the dice. The shape of the dice is what will determine the probability P(#). And ultimately the shape of the dice is determined by the sum of it's quanta, which results in a pretty static system, explainable without quantum theory.
But if you never had new photons coming into existence relative to the position and momentum of the dice would you have the uncertainty of how the dice will fall? You can say the quantum effects are very neglect-able but what you have to remember is that this process is unfolding at the speed of light. The dice are moving very slowly relative to this and only if the dice were moving at the speed of light would the process not work and ‘time’ would stop in that ref-frame.

So you can say that any future event is uncertain, due to quantum uncertainty. But you can't say that the uncertainty of any event is intrinsically linked with "quantum uncertainty", since a dice is simple system which behaves to it's own intrinsic probabilities. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is not applicable to anything bigger than quanta like photons and electron.
I see what you are getting at now! In this theory the atoms of the dice have bonded together and are reacting with the light in unison within their own reference frame. The uncertainty of the dice and the uncertainty of everyday life would not be possible without quantum uncertainty.   
Sure: everything is based on quantum mechanics (not sure, but lets assume), sure: nothing in life would be possible without quanta and their laws. Sure: classical physics is a approximation of quantum physics, but that doesn't mean that this "quantum uncertainty" is reflected in the object. The only useful description of the interactions of the dice is a classical one. The "quantum uncertainty" (locale vs speed) is not present in the solid big system, when interacting with other big systems.
This is where the process promoted in this theory comes in it links the “quantum uncertainty” with solid big system like dice. The light photon that is at the heart of quantum uncertainty is also the carrier of the electromagnetic force and electric charge is an innate part of all matter. In this theory the electrical potential forms the future potential uncertainty within an individual ref-frame (like dice) as the future unfolds photon by photon!
"In this theory the electrical potential forms the future potential uncertainty."
These are just words with no real meaning. You don't really have an explanation for "future potential uncertainty", apart from that it formed by electrical potential (?), photon by photon, which is pretty much nonsense. Your theory shows holes, and you lack of understanding of physics. It does not deserve to be called a theory. Also electromagnetism (not of quanta) can be described without quantum weirdness.
Not at all it is based on the work of Michael Faraday and electromagnetism does abide to Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆p×≥h/4π of quantum mechanics. But the important thing is that the photon is the carrier of the EM force and the quanta of quantum mechanics. Therefore the quantum wave particle function Ψ or probability function can represent the forward passage of time itself with the future coming into existence photon by photon.
What does "turning the possible into the actual as the future unfolds photon by photon!" mean? Your interpretation does not explain anything. I still don't understand how you theory could possible add to our scientific understanding of the physical world. And electric and magnetic fields are manifestations of the same thing.
This theory gives us an objective understanding to quantum mechanics that is relative to the physical world of our everyday life. This is the form of the atoms (as in dice) interacting with the w-particle duality of light forming a future relative to their energy and momentum! Yes electric and magnetic fields are manifestations of the same thing, but as Michael Faraday said they are changing in time!
  I still don't see the science in your "theory"; it's complete bogus/philosophy. I understand that you use well know physics, but you don't add anything. You can't use it to predict anything. One of the requirements of a scientific theory is that it must predict something, which is empirically verifiable.
Based on Science and mathematics, (E=ˠM˳C²)∞ the Lorentz contraction of space and time is between the energy and mass. The greater the energy the greater the contraction of space and the slower time will run. Mass will increase relative to this and each ref-frame can be seen as a vortex in space formed by the rate that time flows. C² is light radiating out in all directions forming a sphere that can be squared to form the future probability. The brackets represent the boundary condition of the ref-frame within infinity!
This is how I interpret your question: "if time wouldn't exist, how can anything happen?" The statement doesn't say much. You are saying that photons are creating "time", by a process which you do not explain. (right?) The rest of your comment seems to be an interpretation of relativity. You say that there would be no time if everything moves at light-speed. But that still doesn't explain the "time creation by photons" part of your so-called theory.
(Wrong!) In the mathematics of Hugh Everett’s many worlds interpretation there are parallel universes all at right-angles to each other. But is this theory we only need three dimensions within a process of continuous energy exchange with the movement of EM fields. The electric fields are always at right-angles to the magnetic fields forming an interactive process that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual as the future unfolds photon by photon!
"Time is a hidden variable of quantum mechanics" erm.. wut?
Yes in this theory the great difference between classical physics and quantum physics is because quantum mechanics represents the physics of ‘time’ as a physical process. The quantum wave particle function Ψ or probability function represents the forward passage of time itself with the future coming into existence  photon by photon. Quantum uncertainty ∆×∆p×≥h/4π is the same uncertainty we have with any future event within our own ref-frame that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual!
  In this theory we have a process of continuous creation continuously coming into existence and we are at the centre of our own ref-frame as an interactive part of that creation! We form our own future relative to the energy and momentum of our own actions. The future only exists as a probability wave Ψ therefore the Planck constant is a constant of action in the process that forms what we see and feel as the flow of time.
Please Rate and Subscribe it will help in the promotion of this theory that will change our view of the Universe and our place within it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The project Quantum Art & Augmented Reality, is founded on the research for a new way of "performing art" to grow in the dimension of "conceptual innovation in contemporarily quantum era". We live in a probabilistic domain of science and society development in which a scientific declination of artistic expression is combined (entanglement) with the ability to communicate emotions by making a form of creativity as was made in the 'era of the Italian Renaissance. So that contemporarily Quantum Art becomes a strategy of change for the wordwide people . "Creativity and Change" in the "quARte " project are linked associating the quantum artistic networking activities with the technology of communications and marketing-based on AUGMENTED REALITY. Thus "quARte" program develops through integrating together artistic imagination and technological imaginary values, with new social sharing of creativity that become aware of the decisive role of emotion in the change of social communication geenrating a new way development directed towards the future society of knowledge. Paolo Manzelli