Monday 1 December 2014

The Universe as a process of symmetry forming and breaking

These video explain the Universe as a continuum formed by a universal process of spherical symmetry forming and breaking. In zero gravity light will naturally form a sphere this can be see in experiments on the international space station. Light has momentum and momentum is frame dependent therefore we have a process that forms individual reference frames. Nothing has greater symmetry, organization or lower entropy that a sphere. This forms the organization for the continuous disorganization of increasing entropy that we have in the second law of thermodynamics. In this theory there is always the possibility for greater organization or symmetry to form out of this process. This forms a physical process that the evolution of cell life can be based upon! We see and feel time as two dimensional with a future and a past like the two dimensional surface of a sphere. The inner surface is concaved and the outer surface is convexed forming different aspects of the same process. This form the different aspects of positive and negative charge. With momentum from the center of the sphere always interacting with the surface at right-angles. Therefore electromagnetic fields always interact at right-angles. Charge is an innate part of all matter forming a universal process with the spontaneous absorption and emission of light forming what we see and feel as the ever changing world of our everyday life, the continuum of time! In this theory the Future is unfolding light photon by light photon with the movement of charge and the flow of electromagnetic fields.

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