Saturday 5 July 2008

Did we recognize the Son

For he, he did come
But did we recognize the Son
In the starving mob
And in the aborted blob
In the dying child
And in the mother's cries, wild
In the enemy's face
Or the anemone's grace
In the wild flowers
And the wide open bowers.
All life comes about
Out of nature's lack of doubt
For the sun does rise
On the ignorant and wise
On the great mountains
And the descending fountains.
But will the sunset
On knowledge without regret,
If we never come
To see everything as one.


Loved One said...

I really like this one! You do have talent Nick, in writing and painting. Thanks for my comment today. I would be glad to have your link on my page.

trinitystar said...

Yep!, No seperation ... we are all one.