The Lady of Afghanistan
She’s standing there with a dirty face
Then she was gone without a trace
You can’t say the worlds a better place
For she’s just, one of a great race
And in her eyes so very pale
A look of heaven or of hell
I guess no one could truly tell
For no one looked beneath the veil
Too see in her face only pain
For no one even knew her name
Or from what lonely place she came
No shame, for no one was to blame
She looks down on the valley green
On beauty that has always been
“O why am I treated so mean
In a world that is so serene?”
Said the girl of Afghanistan
As the evening shadows grow
Of those eternal mountains so
Without a voice or choice, she goes
But where she goes, nobody knows
For they move just like little sheep
Where the mountains are so steep
Among the ruins of the heap
Where no one ever sows or reaps
“If only I could have some sleep”
Said the child of Afghanistan
And in the shadows of the night
Great armies fight with all their might
For God and for the people’s rights
She has no dreams of sweet delight
The Lady of Afghanistan
And as the morning Sun breaks through
Upon the early morning dew
Everything begins as new
But will her broken dreams come true
Is she any different from you?
The Lady of Afghanistan

For some reason The Pakistani Spectator as interviewed me and I have posted this rhyme in the hope that their reader might like it.