Thursday 7 August 2014

The most nerdy and quirky theory you will ever see! An artist theory on the physics of 'time' as a physical process with an Arrow of Time for each individual.

This is an artist theory on the physics of 'time' as a physical process with an Arrow of Time for each individual. 

We all have our own time line from birth to death in this theory this is because we our interacting with the wave particle duality of light forming our own future relative to our position and the energy and momentum of our own actions. Time is an emergent property with the future continuously coming into existence with each new light photon oscillation or vibration. The wave particle duality of light is acting like the bits or zeros and ones of a computer forming a blank canvas that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual! 

Please subscribe and share with your friends by doing so you are helping in the promotion of this theory that will change are view of the Universe and our place within it! In this theory the mathematics of quantum mechanics represents the dynamics geometry of a physical process that we see and feel as the continuum of time. This is a process formed by the spontaneous absorption and emission of light photon energy. This forms a continuous process of energy exchange that forms the ever changing world of our everyday life. The Universe is a continuum with the future coming into existence photon by photon with each new photon electron coupling or dipole moment. This forms the movement of charge with the flow of electromagnetic fields. Consciousness as electrical activity in the brain is the most advanced part of this process and can therefore comprehend this process as 'time' with a past that has gone forever and a future that is always uncertain. Therefore each individual is in the centre of their own reference frame as an interactive part of this process being able to look back in time in all directions at the beauty of the stars! At the smallest scale of this process this uncertainty is seen as Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle with the Planck constant being a constant of action in the dynamics of space and time!

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