Friday 6 May 2016

One of the most fundamental aspects of life is the temporary nature of everything with a past we can never change and a future that is always uncertain. You would think that a theory that explained the Universe as a continuum of continuous energy exchange relative to the atoms of the periodic table would be the most logical way of explaining this. We would have new photon oscillations or vibrations continuously coming into existence relative to the atoms of the periodic table forming what we see and feel as a period of time or continuum of time.

One of the most fundamental aspects of life is the
temporary nature of everything with a past we can never change and a future
that is always uncertain. You would think that a theory that explained the
Universe as a continuum of continuous energy exchange relative to the atoms of
the periodic table would be the most logical way of explaining this. We would
have new photon oscillations or vibrations continuously coming into existence
relative to the atoms of the periodic table forming what we see and feel as a
period of time or continuum of time. The atoms would form standing waves in
time with the spontaneous absorption and emission of light or photon energy
forming the ever changing world of our everyday life that we measure as ‘time’
itself. With the wave particle duality of light and matter in the form of
electrons forming a blank canvas that we can interact with forming the possible
into the actual. But such a theory is very difficult to comprehend, I believe
there are three main reasons for this:

1.       The
diversity of atom within the periodic table and their ability to bond together transforms
what is basically quite a simple universal process into something almost
incomprehensible. Water is a perfect example of this with hydrogen bonds
forming and breaking with the exchange of photon energy as the future unfold
photon by photon relative to the flowing water. The complexity of cell life
with the movement and organization of positive and negative charge relative to
that complexity. Photon energy is the carrier of electromagnetic force and is
the origin of positive and negative charge. Photosynthesis is the simplest
example of this with plant life being relative to photon energy from the Sun.

2.       Because
each individual is an integral interactive part of this universal process with
the nature of conscious awareness always being in ‘the moment of now’ in the
centre of its own reference frame the overall linear nature of time is
distorted. This can be seen best in experiments like The Two Slit Experiment
and The Delayed Choice Experiment with the future unfolding photon by photon
within the reference frame of the experiment relative to the actions of the individual
experimenters. This can be in turning on and off electronic detectors and in
the way they set the experiment up.
The third reason why the
process explained is this theory is difficult to comprehend is because of the
nature of plasma. At higher temperatures the atoms of the periodic table break
up and the movement of positive and negative charge is extended over larger
areas in the form of plasma. This can be as large as an individual star or even
a large area of interstellar space. The same universal process is at work with
the future coming into existence relative to the structure of the plasma
instead of the atoms of the periodic table. A similar process seems to unfold
in our everyday life with the future rapidly unfolding relative to the position
and temperature of fire. But fire is relative to the atoms with chemical bonds
breaking and forming releasing photon energy as the future comes into existence
relative to the process. The same universal process can be seen at the origin
of digestion and rusting with the future unfolding at a much slower rate photon
by photon!      

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