Monday 9 May 2016

Presentism the physics behind the philosophy explained by a universal process of continuous energy exchange or continuous creation

Philosophical presentism is the view that neither the future nor the past
exist. According to presentism, events and entities that are wholly past or
wholly future do not exist at all. Only the present moment exists this is
similar to Buddhist presentism where everything in the past is unreal and
everything in the future is unreal, everything imagined, absent, mental... is
unreal. Ultimately, real is only the present moment of physical reality. But
mankind has never been able to explain presentism using physics as a physical
process. The nearest we have come is the modern theory of relativity with the
conceptual observer being a geometric point in both space and time at the apex
of the 'light cone' which observes the events laid out in time as well as
space. Different observers can disagree on whether two events at different
locations occurred simultaneously depending if the observers are in relative
motion. This theory depends upon the idea of time as an extended thing and has
been confirmed by experiment. However, although the contents of an observation
are time-extended, the conceptual observer, being a geometric point at the
origin of the light cone, is not extended in time or space. This analysis
contains a paradox in which the conceptual observer contains nothing, even
though any real observer would need to be the extended contents of an
observation to exist. This paradox is partially resolved in Relativity theory
by defining a 'frame of reference' to encompass the measuring instruments used
by an observer. This reduces the time separation between instruments to a set
of constant intervals. Some of the difficulties and paradoxes of presentism can
be resolved by changing the normal view of time as a container or thing unto
itself and seeing time as a measure of changing spatial relationships among
objects; thus, observers need not be extended in time to exist and to be aware,
but they rather exist and the changes in internal relationships within the
observer can be measured by stable countable events. The video playlist below
explains an artist theory of the physics of ‘time’ as a physical process called
‘Quantum Atom Theory’ that explains the Universe as a continuum of continuous
energy exchange or continuous creation. Each individual is at the forefront of
creation in ‘the moment of now’ in the center of their own reference frame as
an interactive part of creation with an emergent uncertain future unfolding relative
to the energy of their own actions. In this theory the wave particle duality of
light and matter in the form of electrons is forming a blank canvas that we can
interact with forming the possible into the actual. We have new photon
oscillations or vibrations continuously coming into existence relative to the
atoms of the periodic table forming what we see and feel as a period of time or
continuum of time. The atoms form standing waves in time with the spontaneous
absorption and emission of light or photon energy forming the ever changing
world of our everyday life that we measure as a period of ‘time’. I hope you
enjoy these videos please share and subscribe it will help the promotion of
this theory that is outside of mainstream physics.    

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